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137                   Repentance                9:12
                                  Proclaim a grievous punishment except for those with whom you
                                  to those who are bent on denying entered into a treaty at the Sacred
                                  the truth.  4  As for those who Mosque? As long as they act
                                  have honoured the treaty you straight with you, act straight
                                  made with them and who have with them. God loves those who
                                  not supported anyone against are righteous. How [can there
                                  you: fulfill your agreement with be a treaty] for, if they get the
                                  them to the end of their term. upper hand over you, they will
                                  God loves those who are respect neither kinship nor
                                  righteous.                 covenant. They [try to] please
                                     When the forbidden months you with their tongues but their
                                  have passed, kill the polytheists hearts reject you; most of them
                                  [who are at war with you] are perfidious.  They have sold
                                  wherever you find them. a  Take God’s revelations for a paltry
                                  them captive, and besiege them, price, and barred others from
                                  and lie in wait for them at every His path. How evil is what they
                                  place of ambush. But if they have been doing!  10  Where
                                  repent, and take to prayer believers are concerned, they
                                  regularly and pay the alms, then respect no tie of kinship or treaty.
                                  let them go their way. God is  They are people who overstep
                                  forgiving and merciful.  If any the limits.  11  If they repent and
                                  one of the polytheists seeks  keep up their prayers and pay the
                                  asylum with you, grant him  alms, then they are your brethren
                                  asylum so that he may hear the  in faith. We make Our messages
                                  word of God; then convey him to  clear for people who are willing
                                  a place of safety. That is because  to learn.
                                  they are a people who have no  12 But if they break faith after
                                  knowledge.                 pledging it and revile your
                                    7  How can there be a treaty
                                  with the polytheists on the part  a  See pages xiv to xvii of the
                                  of God and His Messenger,  Introduction.
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