Page 158 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 158
133 The Spoils of War 8:49
the Decisive Day, the day when so that God might bring about
the two forces met. God has that which had been decreed.
power over all things. Everything returns to God.
42 You were on the nearer side 45 Believers! When you
of the valley, and they were on encounter a party, remain firm
the farther side, and the caravan and remember God much, so
was below you. Had you wished that you may succeed. 46 Obey
to set a time by mutual God and His Messenger, and
agreement, you would certainly avoid dissension, lest you falter
have disagreed on the timing. and are no longer held in awe.
However, the encounter took Have patience: God is with those
place, so that God might settle a who are patient. Do not be like
matter which had already been those who left their homes full
ordained, so that he who was to of conceit and showing off to
perish might perish after clear others. They debar others from
evidence of the truth, and he the path of God: but God has
who was to live might live in knowledge of all their actions.
clear evidence of the truth. 48 Satan made their deeds seem
Surely, God is all hearing and fair to them and said, None of
all-knowing. 43 God showed the people shall prevail against
them to you in your dream as you this day; I shall be your
small in number. If He had shown protector! But when the two
them to you as many, you would forces came in sight of each
have lost heart and disputed other, he turned on his heels,
about the matter; but God saved saying, This is where I leave
you. He has full knowledge of you: I see what you do not, and
what is in the human heart. I fear GodGod is severe in His
44 When at the time of your punishment. 49 The hypocrites
encounter He made them appear and those whose hearts were
few in your eyes, and made you perverted said, These people
appear few in their eyes, it was [the believers] must be deluded