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7:190 Al-Araf 128
call to God, their Lord, If You for it is He who protects the
bestow on us a healthy child, we righteous. 197 Those whom you
will surely be grateful, 190 yet call on besides Him have no
when He grants them a healthy power to help you, nor can they
child, they begin to ascribe to help themselves. 198 If you call
others a share in the gift they them to the right path, they will
have received. But God is far not hear you. You find them
above what they associate with looking towards you, but they do
Him! 191 Do they associate with not see you.
Him those who create nothing 199 Be tolerant; enjoin what is
and are themselves created? right; and avoid the ignorant.
192 They can give them no help, 200 If an evil impulse from Satan
nor can they help themselves. provokes you, seek refuge with
It makes no difference God; He is all hearing, and all
whether you call on them or knowing. 201 When any evil
remain silent. If you call them to suggestion from Satan touches
the right path, they will not follow those who fear God, they are
you. 194 Those whom you call on instantly alerted and become
besides God are but creatures watchful; 202 but the followers
like yourselves. Call upon them, of devils are led relentlessly into
then, and let them respond to error by them. They never desist.
you, if what you say is true. 203 When you do not bring
195 Have they feet to walk with? them a sign, they say, Why do
Have they hands to hold with? you not invent one? Say, I
Have they eyes to see with? follow only what is revealed to
Have they ears to hear with? Say, me by my Lord. This Book is an
Call upon those you associate enlightenment from your Lord
with God as partners, then all of and a guide and mercy to true
you contrive against me and give believers. 204 When the Quran
me no respite. 196 My protector is read, listen to it with
is God who sent down the Book, attention, and hold your peace,