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7:170                  Al-A‘raf                  126
                                  taken from them, written in the associated others with God
                                  Scripture, that they would not before our time, and we are only
                                  say anything but the truth about the descendants who came after
                                  God? And they have studied them. So are You going to destroy
                                  whatever is in it. Surely the us for what those inventors of
                                  Home of the Hereafter is better falsehood did?’  174  We explain
                                  for those who fear Him. Will you Our signs in detail thus, so that
                                  not understand?  170  As for those perhaps they may return to Us.
                                  who hold fast to the Book and  175  Recite to them the tale of
                                  are steadfast in prayer, We shall the man to whom We gave Our
                                  not deny the righteous their signs, but who then cast them to
                                  reward.  171  When We suspended one side and Satan overtook
                                  the mountain over them as if it him. And he became one of
                                  were a canopy, and they thought those who went astray— 176  if it
                                  it was going to fall down on had been Our will, We could
                                  them, We said, ‘Hold on firmly have used these signs to exalt
                                  to what We have given you and him, but instead he clung to the
                                  remember what is in it, so that earth and followed his own
                                  you may remain conscious of desires—he was like a dog that
                                  God.’                      pants whether you chase it away
                                    172  When your Lord brought or leave it alone. Such are those
                                  forth offspring from the loins of who reject Our signs. Tell them
                                  the Children of Adam and made this story so that they may reflect.
                                  them bear witness about    177  How evil is the case of those
                                  themselves, He said, ‘Am I not who deny Our signs. They only
                                  your Lord?’  They replied, ‘We wrong themselves:  178  anyone
                                  bear witness that You are.’ This whom God guides has been
                                  He did, lest you should say on rightly guided; while those He
                                  the Day of Resurrection, ‘We lets go astray will surely be the
                                  had no knowledge of that.’  173  Or losers.
                                  lest you say, ‘Our forefathers  179  We created many of the
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