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8:9                    Al-Anfal                  130
                                    9  When you prayed to your  15 Believers, when you meet in
                                  Lord for help, He answered, ‘I battle those who deny the truth,
                                  am sending to your aid a thousand never turn your backs on them:
                                  angels in succession.’  God only  16  whoever turns his back on
                                  did this to give you good news, such an occasion, unless it be as
                                  and so that your hearts might be a stratagem of war, or in an
                                  set at rest, for help comes from endeavour to join another group
                                  God alone. Surely, God is Mighty [of the believers] will indeed
                                  and   Wise.  11  He brought draw down upon himself the
                                  drowsiness upon you to give you wrath of God, and Hell shall be
                                  His reassurance and sent down his abode and the worst indeed is
                                  water from the sky upon you, so that destination.
                                  that He might thereby purify you  17  You did not kill them; it was
                                  and remove Satan’s pollution God who killed them; and when
                                  from you, and make your hearts you [Prophet] threw [sand] at
                                  strong and your feet firm. them it was not you, but God
                                    When your Lord commanded who threw it so that He might
                                  the angels, saying, ‘I am with confer on the believers a great
                                  you, so make those who believe favour from Himself. Surely, God
                                  stand firm. I will instill fear in  is all hearing, all-knowing—
                                  the hearts of those who deny the  18  that is what happened—and
                                  truth: so strike their necks and  God will surely undermine the
                                  strike all their finger joints!’ a  design of those who deny the
                                    That was because they defied  truth.  19  If you were seeking a
                                  God and His Messenger. He who  judgement, a judgement has now
                                  defies God and His Messenger  come to you. If you desist, it will
                                  shall be severely punished by  be the better for you. But if you
                                  God.  That is your punishment,  return [to hostility] We too will
                                  taste it then; and know that for
                                  those who deny the truth there is  a  See pages xiv to xvii of the
                                  the punishment of the Fire.  Introduction.
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