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125                   The Heights              7:169
                                  pray for forgiveness and enter prevent the doing of evil. And
                                  the gate in humility: We shall We meted out a severe
                                  forgive you your sins and shall punishment to the transgressors
                                  bestow further favours upon because they were rebellious.
                                  those who do good,’  162  the  166  And  then,  when  they
                                  transgressors among them disdainfully persisted in doing
                                  substituted something else for what they had been forbidden to
                                  the word they had been given. do, We said to them, ‘Be as apes,
                                  So We sent them a punishment despised!’
                                  from   heaven   for  their   167  Then your Lord declared
                                  wrongdoing.                that,  until  the  Day  of
                                    163  Ask them about the town Resurrection, He would send
                                  which was by the sea and what others against them to inflict
                                  befell its people when they broke terrible suffering on them. Your
                                  the Sabbath. On their Sabbath Lord is swift in retribution; yet
                                  the fish came to them near the surely He is most forgiving and
                                  surface, but on week-days they merciful.  168 We split them up
                                  never came near them—thus We into sections on the earth. Some
                                  tried them because of their of them are righteous while some
                                  disobedience.  164  When some of of them are otherwise, and We
                                  them asked, ‘Why do you tested them with blessings and
                                  admonish a people whom God is misfortunes, so that they might
                                  going to destroy or to afflict with return to the right path.
                                  a severe punishment?’  They  169  They were succeeded by
                                  answered, ‘In order to be free generations who inherited the
                                  from blame before your Lord, Scripture and took to the fleeting
                                  and that they may perhaps fear gains of this world, saying, ‘We
                                  Him.’                      shall certainly be forgiven.’  If
                                    165  Therefore when they forgot there came to them similar
                                  what they had been reminded of, fleeting gains again, they would
                                  We saved those who had tried to take them. Was a pledge not
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