Page 145 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 145
7:113 Al-Araf 120
113 And the magicians came to to drive its people out. But
Pharaoh and asked, Shall we you shall soon know the
have a reward, if we should consequences, 124 I will cut off
prevail? 114 Pharaoh replied, your hands and feet on alternate
Certainly, and you shall also sides and then crucify you all!
become my courtiers. 115 They 125 They replied, We shall surely
said, Moses, will you first throw, return to our Lord. 126 You would
or shall we? 116 He said, You punish us only because we
throw [first]! When they made believed in the signs of our Lord
their cast, they bewitched the when they were shown to us.
eyes of the people and struck Our Lord, pour patience upon
them with awe, for they showed us, and cause us to die in a state
a great [feat of] magic. 117 Then of submission to You.
We inspired Moses, saying, 127 The chiefs of Pharaohs
Throw down your staff. And it people said, Will you allow
immediately swallowed up their Moses and his people to spread
false devices. 118 Thus the truth corruption in the land, and to
prevailed and what they had forsake you and your gods? He
produced came to nothing: replied, We shall kill their male
119 Pharaoh and his men were children and spare only the
defeated and utterly humiliated. females. We have complete
120 And the sorcerers prostrated power over them. 128 Moses said
themselves 121 and said, We to his people, Turn to God for
believe in the Lord of the help and be patient. The earth
Universe, 122 the Lord of Moses belongs to God. He gives it to
and Aaron! those of His servants whom He
123 Pharaoh said, You dare chooses, and the future belongs
believe in Him before I have to the God-fearing. 129 They
given you permission? Behold, replied, We were being
this is indeed a plot which you persecuted before you came to
have devised in this city in order us, and we are still being