Page 140 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 140

115                   The Heights               7:63
                                  ‘The messengers of our Lord did mercy, and when they have
                                  indeed bring the truth. Have we gathered up the heavy clouds,
                                  then any intercessors who would We drive them on to a dead land
                                  intercede for us? Or, could we be where We cause rain to fall,
                                  sent back so that we might act bringing out all kinds of fruit,
                                  differently from the way we used just as We will raise the dead to
                                  to?’  They have indeed ruined life. Perhaps you will take heed.
                                  their souls and what they  58  Vegetation comes out of good
                                  invented has forsaken them.  land in abundance by the will of
                                    54  Your Lord is God, who its Lord, but out of bad land only
                                  created the heavens and the earth scantily. Thus We explain Our
                                  in six Days [periods] and then signs in diverse ways for those
                                  settled Himself firmly on the who give thanks.
                                  throne. He throws the veil of  59 We sent Noah to his people.
                                  night over the day, each seeking He said, ‘O my people, worship
                                  the other in rapid succession. It God; you have no other god but
                                  was He who created the sun, the He. I fear for you the punishment
                                  moon and the stars, and made of a dreadful Day,’  60  but the
                                  them subservient to His will. His leading men of his people said,
                                  is the creation, His the command. ‘Truly, we see that you are
                                  Blessed be God, Lord of the obviously lost in error!’  Said
                                  universe!  55 Call on your Lord [Noah], ‘O my people! I am not
                                  with humility and in secret—He in error. Indeed, I am a messenger
                                  does not love the transgressors: from the Lord of the Worlds,  I
                                    do not spread corruption on am conveying my Lord’s
                                  the earth after it has been set in messages to you and giving you
                                  order—pray to Him with fear sincere advice. I know things
                                  and hope, God’s mercy is close from God that you do not.  Do
                                  to those who do good.      you find it so strange that a
                                    57 It is God who sends forth message should come from your
                                  the winds as harbingers of His Lord through a man from among
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