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113                   The Heights               7:43
                                  nor shall they grieve.  But those know it’— then the preceding
                                  who deny and scorn Our one will say to the succeeding
                                  revelations shall be the inmates one, ‘You are no better than us:
                                  of Hell, where they shall remain so taste the punishment you have
                                  forever.  37  Who does a greater earned.’
                                  wrong than he who invents lies  40 The gates of Heaven shall
                                  against God or rejects His not be opened for those who
                                  revelations? Such people will rejected Our signs and arrogantly
                                  have what has been decreed for spurned them; nor shall they
                                  them. And when Our messengers enter Paradise until a camel shall
                                  come to them to take away their pass through the eye of a needle.
                                  souls, they shall ask them, That is how We repay the evil-
                                  ‘Where are those you used to doers— Hell shall be their bed,
                                  call upon besides God?’  They and over them will be coverings
                                  will answer, ‘They have deserted of fire—thus shall We reward
                                  us;’ and they will bear witness the wrongdoers.  But those who
                                  against themselves that they were believed and did good deeds—
                                  disbelievers?              and We do not burden any soul
                                    38 God will say, ‘Enter the Fire with more than it can bear—
                                  and join the bands of jinn and such are the heirs of the Garden
                                  men that have gone before you.’ and there they will remain
                                  Every time a host enters [the forever.  And We shall remove
                                  fire], it will curse its fellow- whatever rancour may be in their
                                  host, then, when they are all hearts. At their feet shall flow
                                  gathered there, the last of them rivers. And they shall say, ‘All
                                  will say of the first, ‘Our Lord, it praise belongs to God who has
                                  was they who led us astray: give guided us to this. Had God not
                                  them double punishment in the guided us, we would never have
                                  Fire,’—God will say, ‘Every one found the way. The messengers
                                  of you will have double of our Lord brought the Truth.’ A
                                  punishment, though you do not voice will call out to them, ‘This
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