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P. 143
7:87 Al-Araf 118
the Way of God, seeking to make you will certainly be the losers.
it appear crooked. Remember 91 Thereupon an earthquake
when you were few in number overtook them and morning
and He multiplied you. Consider found them lying flattened in
the fate of those who used to their homes; 92 those who had
spread corruption. And if there denied Shuayb became as
is a group of you which believes though they had never lived there.
in My message and others who Those who denied Shuayb, were
disbelieve it, be patient until themselves the losers. 93 So he
God shall judge between us. He turned away from them, saying,
is the best of judges. My people, I delivered my
88 The arrogant leaders of his Lords messages to you and gave
people said, Shuayb, we will you sincere advice, so why
expel you and your fellow should I grieve for people who
believers from our town unless refused to believe?
you return to our faith. He said, 94 Whenever We sent a prophet
Even though we detest it? We to a town, We afflicted its people
would be inventing lies against with suffering and adversity, so
God if we returned to your faith that they might humble
after God has delivered us from themselves [before God], and
it. It is not for us to return to it then We changed their hardship
unless God our Lord so willed. into ease until they grew affluent
Our Lord encompasses all things and said, Our fathers had also
in His knowledge. We have put experienced adversity and
our trust in God. Our Lord, prosperity, then We seized them
expose the truth [and judge] suddenly, unawares. 96 Had the
between us and our people, You people of those towns believed
are the best judge. 90 The in and feared God, We would
leading men of his people who have showered upon them
were bent on denying the truth, blessings from heaven and earth,
said, If you follow Shuayb, but they rejected the truth. So