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P. 144

119                   The Heights              7:112
                                  We seized them on account of  103  After them We sent Moses
                                  their misdeeds.  Do the people with Our signs to Pharaoh and
                                  of these towns now feel secure his chiefs. But they willfully
                                  against the coming of Our rejected them. Consider the end
                                  punishment upon them by night of the evil-doers.  104  Moses said,
                                  while they are asleep?  Or, do ‘Pharaoh, I am a messenger from
                                  they feel secure against the the Lord of the Universe,
                                  coming of Our punishment upon  105  duty-bound to say nothing
                                  them in the forenoon while they about God but the truth, and I
                                  are at play?  Do they feel secure have brought you a clear sign
                                  against God’s devising? No one from your Lord. Let the Children
                                  feels secure against God’s devising of  Israel  go  with  me.’
                                  except for those doomed to ruin.  106  [Pharaoh] said, ‘If you come
                                       Does it not guide the people with a sign, then produce it, if
                                  who inherit the land from former you are telling the truth.’  107  Then
                                  people that We can punish them Moses threw down his staff and
                                  for their sins if We will? And suddenly, unmistakably, it
                                  seal up their hearts so that they appeared as a serpent,  108 and he
                                  would not be able to lend an ear drew forth his hand, and it
                                  to words of guidance?  101 We appeared [shining] white to the
                                  have told you the stories of those beholders.  109  The chiefs of
                                  towns: their messengers came to Pharaoh’s people said, ‘This is
                                  them with clear signs, but they most surely a skillful magician,
                                  were never going to believe in  110  who seeks to drive you from
                                  something they had already your land!’ Pharaoh said, ‘What
                                  rejected. Thus God seals up the then do you advise?’  111  They
                                  hearts of those who deny the said, ‘Let him and his brother
                                  truth.  102  We found most of them wait awhile, and send into the
                                  untrue to their covenants, indeed cities summoners,  112 who should
                                  We found most of them to bring to you every skillful
                                  be defiant.                magician.’
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