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P. 141
7:64 Al-Araf 116
yourselves, so that he may warn the favours of God, so that you
you and so that you may fear may prosper.
God and be shown mercy? But 70 They said, Have you come
they denied him, so We saved to tell us to serve God alone and
him and those with him in the to forsake the gods our
Ark, and We drowned those who forefathers served? Bring us then
rejected Our signs. They were what you threaten us with, if you
indeed a blind people. are truthful. 71 He said, Your
65 To the people of Ad We Lords wrath and indignation
sent their brother, Hud. He said, have already fallen upon you.
O my people, worship God, you Would you dispute with me about
have no other god but He. Then mere names, which you and your
will you not be God-fearing? fathers have invented, and for
The leading men of his people which God has revealed no
who refused to acknowledge the authority? Wait then if you will:
truth, said, We can see you are I am waiting alongside you.
a foolish man, and we think you 72 Then We saved him and those
are lying. He said, My people, who were with him, by Our
I am by no means a fool, but mercy; We annihilated those who
rather am a messenger from the denied Our signs and would not
Lord of the Universe, 68 I am believe.
conveying my Lords messages 73 To the Thamud We sent their
to you and I am your sincere and brother Salih. He said, O my
honest adviser. Do you find it people, worship God; you have
strange that a Message should no other god but Him. A veritable
come from your Lord, through proof has come to you from your
one of your own men, to Lord: this is Gods she-camel, a
warn you? Remember how He sign for you, so let her feed in
made you successors of Noahs Gods land and do not harm her
people, and increased you in any way, or you will be
greatly in stature. Remember overwhelmed by a painful