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P. 139

7:44                   Al-A‘raf                  114
                                  is the Garden which you have marks, ‘What use have your great
                                  inherited by your labours.’  numbers and your false pride
                                    44                            49
                                      The people of the Garden been?  See! are these not the
                                  will call out to the people of the people you swore would never
                                  Fire, ‘We have found that what earn God’s mercy? “Enter the
                                  our Lord promised us is true. Garden! No fear shall come upon
                                  Have you, too, found that what you nor shall you grieve.”’
                                  your Lord promised you is true?’  50 The people of the Fire shall
                                  They will say, ‘Yes, we have!’ call out to the people of heaven,
                                  Then a crier shall call out among ‘Pour out some water on us, or
                                  them saying, ‘The curse of God give us something out of that
                                  is upon the wrongdoers—  45 who which God has bestowed upon
                                  turned people away from the you.’ But the blessed will reply,
                                  path of God and sought to make ‘God has forbidden all that to
                                  it appear crooked, and who those who denied the truth.
                                  denied the Hereafter.’     51  Who treated religion as a
                                    46 A barrier will divide the two pastime and an idle sport and
                                  groups, and on the heights there whom the life of the world had
                                  will be men who recognize each beguiled.’ On that Day We shall
                                  group by their marks. They will forget them, as they forgot their
                                  call out to the people of the meeting of that Day with Us, for
                                  Garden, ‘Peace be with you.’ they denied Our revelations.
                                  They will not have yet entered,  52 And surely We have brought
                                  but they will be hoping [to do them a Book which We have
                                  so],  47  and when they turn their expounded with knowledge, a
                                  eyes towards the inmates of the guide and a mercy for those who
                                  Fire, they will say, ‘Our Lord, do believe.  53  Do they wait for the
                                  not include us among the fulfillment of that of which it
                                  wrongdoers!’  48  And the people warns? On the Day when that
                                  of the heights will call out to fulfillment comes, those who
                                  men they recognize by their had neglected it before will say,
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