Page 135 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 135
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
1 Alif Lam Mim Sad heavy shall be successful, and
those whose good deeds are light
2 This Book has been sent [in the balance] will be the ones
down to youlet there be no who have lost themselves
heaviness in your heart about because they wrongfully rejected
itso that you may warn by Our signs.
means of it and it is a reminder 10 We established you in the
to the believers. Follow what land and provided you with a
has been sent down to you by means of livelihood there: yet
your Lord and do not follow any you are seldom thankful. 11 We
protector other than Him. How created you, then We shaped you
seldom you take heed. 4 How and then We said to the angels,
many towns We have destroyed. Prostrate yourselves before
Our scourge fell upon them by Adam, and they all prostrated
night or at midday when they themselves, except Satan. He
were resting: 5 and when Our was not among those who
scourge fell upon them, their prostrated themselves. 12 God
only cry was, We were indeed asked, What prevented you from
wrongdoers! 6 Then shall We prostrating yourself when I
question those to whom Our commanded you to? He replied,
message was sent and those I am better than he is; You
through whom We sent it with created me from fire, while You
full knowledge, We shall tell created him from clay. 13 God
them what they did, for We have said, Get down from here! This
never been away from them. is no place for your arrogance.
Truth alone will be of weight Get out! You are contemptible!
that Day. Those whose scales are 14 Satan said, Give me respite