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6:149 Al-Anam 108
nothing but conjecture. You are orphans property, except with
merely guessing. the best intentions, before he
149 Say, God alone has the comes of age. Give full measure
conclusive proof. If He had and weight, according to
willed, He could have guided justiceWe never charge a soul
every one of you. 150 Say, Come, with more than it can bear
bring your witnesses, who can when you speak, observe justice,
testify that God forbade [all] even though it concerns a close
this. If they bear witness relative; and fulfil the covenants
[falsely], do not bear witness of God. That is what He has
with them; nor yield to the wishes enjoined upon you so that you
of those who deny Our signs, nor may take heed.
of those who do not believe in 153 [He has enjoined], This is
the life to come and set up others My straight path; so follow it,
as equals with their Lord. 151 Say, and do not follow other ways:
Come! I will tell you what your that will lead you away from His
Lord has really forbidden you! path. That is what He enjoins
Do not associate anything with upon you, so that you may guard
Him; be good to your parents; yourselves. 154 Then We gave
and do not kill your children for Moses the Book, completing
fear of povertyWe shall [Our favour] to the righteous,
provide sustenance for you as explaining everything clearly, as
well as for themrefrain from guidance and mercy, so that they
committing indecent deeds, might believe in meeting their Lord.
whether openly or in secret; and 155 This is a Book which We
do not kill the life which God have revealed as a blessing
has made sacred, save by right. follow it and fear your Lord, so
That is what He has enjoined that you may receive mercy
upon you, so that you may 156 and not say, The Book was
understand. only sent down to the two groups
152 Stay well away from an before us and we were indeed