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103                   The Cattle               6:115
                                  and that We might make it clear them wander blindly in their
                                  [that this is the truth] to those insolence.  111  Even if We sent
                                  who are eager to know.     down angels to them, and caused
                                    106  Follow what has been the dead to speak to them, and
                                  revealed to you from your Lord: We gathered together everything
                                  there is no deity but Him; and in front of them, they would still
                                  ignore the polytheists.  107  If God not believe, unless God had so
                                  had willed, they would not have willed. But most of them behave
                                  associated anything with Him. ignorantly.  112  In like manner We
                                  We did not appoint you over have assigned for every prophet
                                  them as their keeper, nor are you an opponent, Satans from among
                                  their guardian.  108 Do not revile men and jinn, who make evil
                                  those [beings] whom they invoke suggestions to each other by
                                  instead of God, lest they, in their means of specious words in order
                                  hostility, revile God out of to deceive—had it been your
                                  ignorance. Thus to every people Lord’s will, they would not have
                                  We have caused their actions to done so; so leave them alone to
                                  seem fair. To their Lord they shall their fabrication,  113 in order that
                                  all return, and He will declare to the hearts of those who do not
                                  them all that they have done. believe in the life to come might
                                  109  They swear a solemn oath by incline towards those suggestions
                                  God that if there should come to and, being pleased, persist in
                                  them a sign, they will believe in it. their sinful ways.  114  Should I
                                  Say, ‘Signs are granted only by seek a judge other than God,
                                  God.’ How can you tell that if a when it is He who has revealed
                                  sign be given to them, they will the Book, clearly explained.
                                  indeed believe in it?      Those to whom We gave the
                                    110  We will turn away their Book earlier know that it is the
                                  hearts and eyes from the Truth, truth revealed by your Lord.
                                  since they refused to believe in it Therefore, have no doubts.
                                  in the first instance. We will let  115 The Word of your Lord is
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