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P. 131
6:136 Al-Anam 106
wrongdoers shall not prosper. wombs of such and such cattle is
136 They set aside for God a exclusively for our males and is
share in what He has produced, forbidden to our females. But if
such as crops and livestock, and it is stillborn, they may have a
they say, This is for Godso share of it. God will soon punish
they claim!and this is for our them for their [false] attribution.
associate-gods? Their associate- He is wise, and all-knowing.
gods share does not reach God, 140 Losers indeed are they who
whereas Gods share reaches kill their children foolishly and
their associate-gods. How ill without knowledge and
they judge! declare as forbidden what God
137 And in like manner, their has provided for them as
associate gods have made killing sustenancea fabrication
their children seem fair to many against God: they have gone
pagans, so that they may ruin astray and have not chosen to be
them and cause confusion in rightly guided. 141 It is He who
their religion. Had God pleased, has produced gardens, both
they would not have done so; so trellised and untrellised, and date
leave them to their false palms and field crops, all varying
inventions. 138 They also say, in taste, and the olive and the
These animals and these crops pomegranate, both similar and
are forbidden. None may eat dissimilar. Eat their fruits when
them except those we permit. they bear fruit and give away
So they claim! There are some what is due of them on the day of
animals they exempt from labour their harvest. Do not waste
and some over which they do not anything. He does not love the
pronounce Gods name, thus wasteful!
committing a sin against Him. 142 Of the cattle there are some
He will requite them for the for carrying burdens and some
falsehoods they invent. for food. Eat what God has
139 They say, What is in the provided for you and do not