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6:79 Al-Anam 100
all that you worship besides God. guided as We had guided Noah
79 I have set my face with single- before. Among his descendants
minded devotion, towards Him were David and Solomon, and
who has created the heavens and Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron.
the earth, and I am not one of the Thus do We reward the righteous.
polytheists. His people argued 85 Zachariah, John, Jesus, and
with him. He said, Are you Elijahevery one of them was
arguing with me about God, righteous Ishmael, Elisha,
while He has guided me? I have Jonah, and LotWe favoured
no fear of any partner you ascribe each one of them above other
to Him, unless my Lord should people, and also some of their
wish otherwise. My Lord forefathers, their offspring, and
encompasses all things in His their brothers: We chose them
knowledge, so will you not pay and guided them to a straight
heed? Why should I fear what path. 88 This is the guidance of
you associate with Him, while God: He gives that guidance to
you do not fear to associate with whichever of His servants He
God that for which He has sent pleases. If they had associated
down to you no authority? Tell other deities with Him, surely all
me, if you know the truth, which they did would have been of no
side has more right to feel secure. avail. 89 Those are the ones to
82 It is those who have faith, and whom We gave the Scripture,
do not mix their faith with wisdom, and prophethood. If
wrongdoing, who will be secure, these people [the Makkans] reject
and it is they who are rightly it, We shall entrust it to a people
guided. This is the reasoning who will never refuse to
We gave to Abraham against his acknowledge it. 90 Those [the
peopleWe raise in rank anyone previous prophets] were the
We pleaseyour Lord is wise people whom God guided.
and aware. We gave him Isaac Follow their guidance then and
and Jacob, each of whom We say, I ask no reward for this