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127 The Heights 7:189
jinn and mankind for hell. They them blundering about in their
have hearts they do not arrogance. 187 They ask you
understand with; they have eyes [Prophet] about the Last Hour,
they do not see with; and they When will it come? Say,
have ears they do not hear with. Knowledge about it rests only
Such people are like cattleno, with my Lord; He alone will
they are even more misguided. reveal when its time will come,
Such are the heedless. 180 God it lies heavy on the heavens and
has the Most Excellent Names. the earth: it will suddenly
Call on Him by His Names and overtake you. They will put
keep away from those who distort questions to you as though you
them. They shall be requited for had full knowledge of it. Say,
what they do. 181 Of those We Knowledge about it rests only
have created there are some who with God, though most people
give true guidance and act justly. do not realize it. 188 Say, I myself
We shall gradually seize those have no power to benefit or do
who reject Our signs from a harm, save as God pleases. If I
place they do not recognize. had knowledge of the unseen, I
183 For though I give them rein would have availed myself of an
for a while, My strategy is sure. abundance of good, and no harm
184 Have they not reflected that would have touched me. I am
their companion is not mad? He but a warner and a bearer of
is only a plain warner. 185 Have good tidings for those who will
they not looked into the realms believe.
of the heavens and the earth and 189 It was He who created you
all that God created, and seen from a single soul, and from it
that the end of their time might made its mate so that he may
be near? What will they believe find comfort in her. Once he has
in if they do not believe in this? covered her, she conceives and
186 No one can guide those whom goes about with a light burden.
God lets go astray: He leaves When it grows heavy, they both