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145                   Repentance                9:82
                                  by God that they did not, yet they that God knows what they
                                  uttered the words of denial of conceal and what they talk about
                                  truth after they had accepted in secret? That God knows all
                                  Islam. They meditated a plot that is hidden?
                                  which they were unable to carry  79 As for those who ridicule
                                  out, and being spiteful was their such believers as give alms freely
                                  only response to God, who had for the sake of God and taunt
                                  enriched them out of His bounty, those who find nothing to give
                                  and to His Messenger. If they save that which they earn through
                                  repent, it will indeed be better their toil, God will cause their
                                  for them. If they turn away, God ridicule to rebound on them:
                                  will punish them with grievous they shall have a painful
                                  suffering in this world and the punishment.  80  It is the same
                                  Hereafter, and there will be whether or not you ask
                                  no one on earth to protect or forgiveness for them. Even if
                                  help them.                 you ask forgiveness for them
                                    75  There are some among seventy times, God will not
                                  them who pledged themselves forgive them, for they have
                                  to God, saying, ‘If God gives denied God and His Messenger.
                                  us something out of His God does not guide the evil-
                                  bounty, we shall certainly doers.
                                  give alms and be righteous,’  81 Those who stayed at home
                                  76  but when He bestowed His were glad that they were left
                                  favours on them they grew behind by God’s Messenger.
                                  niggardly, and turned away in They hated the thought of striving
                                  aversion.  77  So He caused for God’s cause with their
                                  hypocrisy to settle in their hearts possessions and their persons.
                                  until the Day of their meeting They said, ‘Do not go forth  in
                                  with Him, because they broke this heat.’ Say, ‘The Fire of Hell
                                  their word to God, and because is far hotter.’ If only they could
                                  they lied.  78  Do they not know understand.  82  Let them laugh a
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