Page 172 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 172
147 Repentance 9:100
I can find no mounts for you, pleased with rebellious people.
they went back, and tears welled 97 The desert Arabs are more
up in their eyes with sadness, stubborn in their denial of truth
since they could not find and hypocrisy, and are the least
any way to contribute. 93 The likely to be aware of the limits
blameworthy are those who are which God has revealed to His
men of wealth and yet ask for Messenger. God is all knowing
exemption. They are content to and wise. 98 Some desert Arabs
be with those [women] who stay regard what they give for the
behind. God has sealed their cause of God as a fine and wait
hearts: they do not understand. for some misfortune to befall
94 They will make excuses to you. May ill-fortune befall them!
you when you return to them. God hears all and knows all.
Say, Do not make excuses, we 99 There are also those among
will not believe you. God has them who believe in God and the
already informed us about you. Last Day and regard what they
God will see your actions, as spend for the cause of God as a
will His Messenger. Then you means of bringing them nearer
will be returned to the One who to God and of deserving the
knows the seen and the unseen prayers of the Messenger. This
and He will tell you all that you shall certainly be for them a
used to do. When you return, means of drawing near to God.
they will swear to you by God so God will admit them into His
that you may leave them alone, mercy; God is indeed most
so leave them alone. They are forgiving and merciful.
unclean, and Hell will be their 100 As for those who led the
home as a reward for their way, the first of the emigrants
actions they will swear to and the supporters, as well as
you, so that you may be pleased those who nobly followed them,
with them. But [even] if you are God is well pleased with them,
pleased with them, God is not and they are well pleased with