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P. 178
153 Jonah 10:21
standing; but when We remove your knowledge. Indeed, I have
his trouble, he goes on his way spent a whole lifetime among
as if he had never prayed to Us you before it came to me. How
for the removal of his trouble. can you not use your reason?
Thus it is that the doings of the 17 Who is more unjust than the
transgressors are made to look man who invents a falsehood
fair to them. about God or denies His signs?
13 And indeed, before your Surely, the guilty shall never
time We destroyed [whole] prosper.
generations when they 18 Instead of God they worship
[persistently] did evil; their what neither harms nor benefits
messengers came to them with them, and they say: These are
clear signs, but they would not our intercessors with God. Say,
believe. Thus We requite the Do you inform God about
guilty. 14 Then We made you something in heavens and on
their successors in the land, so earth that He does not know?
that We might observe how you Glory be to Him; may He be
would conduct yourselves. Exalted over whatever they
15 When Our clear revelations associate [with Him]! Mankind
are recited to them, those who do was only one community, but
not expect to meet Us say, Bring then they differed, and had it not
us a different Quran, or make been for a prior word from your
some changes in it. Say, It is Lord, their differences would have
not for me to change it of my been settled for them.
own accord. I follow only what 20 They ask, Why has no sign
is revealed to me. I fear, if I were been sent down to him from his
to disobey my Lord, the Lord? Tell them, God alone has
punishment on a Dreadful Day. knowledge of the unseen. So
16 Say, If God had so wished, I wait; I too will wait with you.
would not have recited it to you, 21 Whenever We let mankind
nor would He have brought it to taste mercy after some adversity