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171 Hud 11:110
command of Pharaoh was not time, 105 and when that Day
rightly directed. He shall stand arrives, no soul shall speak but
at the head of his people on the by His leave. Among those some
Day of Resurrection, and shall shall be damned, and others shall
lead them into the Fire. Evil is be blessed.
the place to which they shall be 106 The wretched ones will be
led. A curse followed them in in the Fire sighing and groaning,
this world, and shall follow them 107 remaining in it timelessly, for
on the Day of Resurrection. What ever, as long as the heavens and
a foul gift to be given! earth endure, except as your Lord
100 We relate to you such wills. Your Lord carries out
accounts of earlier towns: some whatever He wills. 108 Those who
of them are still standing; while are blessed shall abide in the
others have ceased to exist; Garden; they will dwell therein
101 We did not wrong them; they as long as the heavens and the
wronged themselves; the deities earth endure, except as your Lord
they called on besides God wills. Such bounty shall be
availed them nothing: when unending. 109 Have no doubt as
Gods command came upon them, to what they worship. They
they only added to their ruin. worship nothing but what their
102 Such is the punishment of fathers worshipped before
your Lord when He seizes the [them]. We shall certainly give
towns in the midst of their sins: them their share in full, without
His punishing grip is terrible and diminishing anything.
severe. 103 In that is a sign for 110 We certainly gave the Book
him who fears the punishment of to Moses, but differences arose
the Hereafter. That is a Day for about it: had it not been that a
which mankind shall be gathered word had gone forth before from
together, a Day when all will be your Lord, Judgement would
present. 104 We will only indeed have been passed on
postpone it until a predetermined them: yet they are in grave doubt