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P. 118
93 The Cattle 6:16
time a sign comes to them from man as well, and would have
their Lord, they turn away from thus added to their confusion.
it. 5 They have rejected truth 10 Messengers have been mocked
whenever it came to them, yet before you, but those who scoffed
[more] news will reach them were overtaken by the very thing
concerning what they have been they scoffed at. 11 Say, Travel
making a mockery of. 6 Have about the land and see what was
they not seen how many the end of the deniers.
generations We destroyed before 12 Say, To whom belongs all
them? We established them on that is in the heavens and earth?
the earth more firmly than you, Say, To God. He has taken it
and We sent the clouds over upon Himself to be merciful.
them, pouring down abundant That He will gather you on the
rain; and made the rivers flow at Day of Resurrection is beyond
their feet. Yet We destroyed them all doubt. Those who have
for their sins, and raised up other forfeited their souls will never
generations after them. have faith. 13 To Him belongs
But even if We had sent all that dwells in the night and
down to you a Book written on the day. He is the All Hearing
parchment, and they had touched and the All Knowing. 14 Say,
it with their own handsthose Shall I take as my protector
who deny the truth would still someone other than God, Creator
have said, This is mere magic. of the heavens and the earth,
8 They ask, Why has an angel who feeds all and is fed by
not been sent down to him? If none? Say, I have been
We did send down an angel, the commanded to be the first of
matter would be settled and they those who submit. Do not be one
would not have been granted any of the polytheists. Say, I will
respite. Indeed, if We had sent never disobey my Lord, for I fear
an angel as messenger, We would the punishment of a dreadful
have made him in the form of a Day. 16 Anyone from whom