Page 114 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 114
89 The Table 5:101
and do good deeds. For God loves provision made for you and for
those who do good. seafarers. But you are forbidden
94 Believers, God will test you the game of the land while you
with game which come within are on a pilgrimage. Have fear of
the reach of your hands and God, before whom you shall all
spears, so that He may know be gathered. God has made the
those who fear Him, even if they Kabah, the Sacred House, a
cannot see Him. Anyone who means of support as well as the
oversteps the limits after this sacred month and the sacrificial
will have a painful punishment. animals with their garlands. That
95 Believers, do not kill any game is so that you may know that
while you are on a pilgrimage. God has knowledge of whatever
Anyone of you who kills game is in the heavens and on the earth
deliberately shall make and that He is fully aware of all
compensation with an animal things. 98 Know that God is
which is the equivalent of what severe in punishment, yet most
he has killed, to be determined forgiving and merciful. 99 The
by two just men from among Messengers sole duty is to
you, as an offering brought to convey the message. God knows
the Kabah; or he shall, in what you reveal and what you
expiation, either feed the poor or hide. 100 Say, The bad and the
do the equivalent of that in good are not alike, even though
fasting, so that he may taste the the abundance of the bad may
consequence of his deeds. God appear pleasing to you. So fear
forgives what is past, but if God, O men of understanding,
anyone relapses into so that you may prosper.
wrongdoing, God will exact His 101 Believers, do not ask
retribution. God is mighty, the questions about things which, if
Lord of retribution. they were made known to you,
96 To hunt and to eat the fish of would only become burdensome
the sea is made lawful for you, a for you; but if you ask them