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P. 112
87 The Table 5:84
on denying the truth. Why do things they did. Evil indeed were
they not turn to God and ask for their deeds. 80 You see many
His forgiveness? God is forgiving among them allying themselves
and merciful. 75 Christ, son of with those who deny the truth.
Mary, was no more than a Evil is that which their souls
messenger. Many messengers have sent on ahead for them.
passed away before him. His They have incurred the wrath of
mother was a virtuous woman; God and shall suffer eternal
and they both ate food [like punishment. Had they believed
other mortals]. See how We make in God and the Prophet and what
the signs clear to them! See how was revealed to him, they would
they turn away! Say, Do you not have taken those who deny
worship something other than the truth as their allies, but many
God, that has no power to do you of them are disobedient.
harm or good? God alone is the 82 You will find that the
All Hearing and All Knowing. bitterest in their enmity to the
Say, People of the Book! faithful are the Jews and the
Do not go to extremes in your polytheists; the nearest in
religion and do not follow the affection to them are those who
whims of those who went astray say, We are Christians. That is
before youthey caused many because there are priests and
to go astray and themselves monks among them; and because
strayed away from the right path. they are free from pride. When
78 Those of the Children of they listen to what has been sent
Israel who were bent on denying down to the Messenger, you see
the truth were cursed by David their eyes overflowing with tears,
and Jesus, the son of Mary. That because of the Truth they
was because they disobeyed and recognize. They say, Our Lord,
were given to transgression; we believe, so count us among
79 they would not prevent one those who bear witness. Why
another from doing the wrong should we not believe in God