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P. 108
83 The Table 5:49
light. By it the prophets who according to what God has
were obedient to Us judged the revealed in it. Those who do not
Jews, and so did the rabbis and judge by what God has sent
the priests, according to Gods down are rebellious.
Book which had been entrusted 48 We have sent down the Book
to their care; and to which they to you with the truth, fulfilling [the
were witnesses. Have no fear of predictions] revealed in the previous
man; fear Me, and do not sell My scriptures and determining what is
revelations for a paltry sum. true therein, and as a guardian over
Those who do not judge by what it. Judge, therefore, between them
God has sent down are deniers by what God has revealed, and do
of truth. 45 We prescribed for not follow their vain desires turning
them in [the Torah]: a life for a away from the truth that has come
life, an eye for an eye, a nose for to you. To every one of you We
a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth have ordained a law and a way, and
for a tooth, and a wound for a had God so willed, He would have
wound. But, if anyone forgoes it, made you all a single community,
this shall be for him an expiation. but He did not so will, in order that
Those who do not judge by what He might try you by what He has
God has sent down are given you. Vie, then, with one
wrongdoers! We caused Jesus, another in doing good works; to
son of Mary to follow in their God you shall all return; then He
footsteps, fulfilling what had will make clear to you about what
been revealed before him in the you have been disputing.
Torah. We gave him the Gospel, 49 Judge between them by what
which contained guidance and God has sent down and do not be
light, fulfilling what was revealed led by their desires. Beware of
before it in the Torah: a guide them lest they turn you away
and an admonition to the God- from a part of that what God has
fearing. 47 Therefore, let those revealed to you. If they reject
who follow the Gospel judge your judgement, know that God