Page 106 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 106
81 The Table 5:36
of the two sons of Adam. When corruption in the land shall be
they both presented an offering, regarded as having killed all
it was accepted from one of mankind, and that whoever saved
them and not from the other. The a human life shall be regarded as
latter said, I shall kill you! The having saved all mankind. Our
former said, God accepts messengers came to them with
[things] only from the righteous. clear signs, but many of them
If you raise your hand to kill continued to commit excesses in
me, I will not raise mine to kill the land. Those that make war
you. I fear God, the Lord of the against God and His Messenger
Universe, 29 and I want you to and spread disorder in the land
bear your sins against me as well shall be put to death or crucified
as your own sins and become an or have their hands and feet cut
inhabitant of the Fire. Such is off on alternate sides, or be
the reward of the wrongdoers. banished from the country. They
His lower self persuaded shall be disgraced in this world,
him to kill his brother, and he and then severely punished in
killed him and he became one of the Hereafter, except for those
the lost. Then God sent a raven, who repent before you gain
which scratched the earth, so power over them: for you must
that He might show him how to know that God is forgiving and
hide the corpse of his brother. merciful.
Alas! he cried, Am I not able 35 Believers, fear God and seek
even to be like this raven, so that ways to come closer to Him and
I may hide the corpse of my strive for His cause, so that you
brother? And he repented. may prosper. As for those who
That was why We laid it reject Faith, if they had
down for the Children of Israel everything on earth, and twice as
that whoever killed a human much again and offered it to
beingexcept as a punishment ransom themselves from the
for murder or for spreading torment of the Day of