Page 102 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 102

                                         5.  THE   TABLE     (AL-MA’IDAH)

                                      In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

                                    Believers,  fulfill  your blood and pork; and any flesh
                                  obligations. All livestock is over which the name of any
                                  lawful for you, other than that other than God is invoked; and
                                  which is hereby announced to any creature which has been
                                  you. You are forbidden to kill strangled, or killed by a blow or
                                  game while you are on a in a fall, or has been gored to
                                  pilgrimage—God commands death or half-eaten by a wild
                                  what He will.  Believers, violate animal, saving that which you
                                  neither the sanctity of God’s make lawful [by slaughtering
                                  signs, the Sacred Month, the properly while it was still alive]
                                  sacrificial animals, the animals and what has been slaughtered at
                                  wearing garlands [indicating they an altar. You are forbidden to
                                  are to be sacrificed] nor those on make the division of [meat] by
                                  their way to the Sacred House means of divining arrows: that is
                                  seeking the bounty and pleasure sinful conduct. Those who deny
                                  of their Lord. When, on the truth have this day despaired
                                  completion of your pilgrimage, of ever harming your religion.
                                  you take off the garb of the So do not fear them. Fear Me.
                                  pilgrim, you may hunt. Do not Today I have completed your
                                  let the enmity of those who religion for you and completed
                                  barred you from the Sacred My blessing upon you. I have
                                  Mosque lead you into sin. Help chosen for you Islam as your
                                  one another in goodness and in religion. But if anyone is forced
                                  piety. Do not help one another in by hunger to eat something which
                                  sin and transgression. Fear God! is forbidden, not intending to
                                  God is severe in punishment.  commit a sin, he will find God
                                     You are forbidden carrion, forgiving and merciful.
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