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P. 97
4:132 Al-Nisa 72
God is self-sufficient and sent down before. He who denies
praiseworthy. 132 All that the God, His angels, His Scriptures,
heavens and the earth contain His messengers and the Last Day
belongs to God; and none is as has surely gone far astray. 137 As
worthy of trust as God. 133 If He for those who come to believe,
wanted, He could remove you and then deny the truth, and
altogether and replace you with again come to believe, and again
other people: He has the full deny the truth, and thereafter
power to do so. 134 If one desires grow stubborn in their denial of
the rewards of this world [let the truthGod will never forgive
him remember that] with God them, nor will He guide them.
are the rewards of [both] this 138 Warn the hypocrites that for
world and the life to come: them there is a painful
and God is indeed all hearing, punishment. 139 As for those who
all seeing. take the deniers of the truth for
Believers, be strict in their allies rather than the
upholding justice and bear believersdo they seek honour
witness for the sake of God, even in their company? Surely all
though it be against yourselves, honour belongs to God.
your parents, or your kindred. 140 He has instructed you in
Be they rich or poor, God knows the Book that, when you hear
better about them both. Do not, people deny or ridicule Gods
then, follow your own desires, revelations, you must not sit
lest you swerve from justice. If with them unless they engage in
you conceal the truth or evade it, other talk, or else you yourselves
then remember that God is well shall become like them. God
aware of all that you do. will gather all the hypocrites and
136 Believers, believe in God those who deny the truth together
and His Messenger and in the in Hell. 141 The hypocrites wait
Scripture He sent down to His to see what happens to you and,
Messenger, as well as what He if God grants you a victory, they