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4:113                  Al-Nisa’                   70
                                   it, shall certainly bear the guilt Whoever ascribes partners to
                                   of a calumny and a manifest sin. God has strayed far indeed.
                                   113 If it were not for the grace of  117 They [the polytheists] call
                                   God and His mercy to you, some upon female deities, and they
                                   of them had resolved to lead you invoke none but Satan, the
                                   astray but they lead astray no rebellious one,  118 whom God
                                   one but themselves. Nor can has rejected. He said [to God], ‘I
                                   they do you any harm. God has will assuredly take a number of
                                   sent down to you the Book and Your servants,  119  and shall lead
                                   Wisdom and has taught you what them astray, and fill them with
                                   you did not know. God’s favour vain desires and order them to
                                   to you has been great indeed.  slit the ears of cattle. I shall order
                                    114  There is no good in most of them to tamper with God’s
                                   their secret talk, except in the creation. Whoever chooses Satan
                                   case of those who enjoin charity as a patron instead of God is
                                   and kindness, or reconciliation utterly ruined:  120  he holds out
                                   between people. If anyone does promises to them, and fills them
                                   that, seeking the pleasure of God, with vain desires: but Satan’s
                                   We will give him an immense promises are nothing but
                                   reward.  115  But if anyone opposes delusion.  121 Hell shall be their
                                   the Messenger after his guidance home: they shall find no refuge
                                   has become clear to him, and from it.  122 As for those who
                                   follows a path other than that of believe and do good works. We
                                   the faithful, We shall let him shall admit them to Gardens
                                   pursue his chosen path and shall through which rivers flow; wherein
                                   cast him into Hell: an evil they will abide forever. This is a
                                   destination.              promise from God; and whose
                                    116  Surely, God will not forgive word could be truer than God’s?
                                   the ascribing of partners to Him.  123  It is not your desires, nor
                                   He forgives whoever He will for the desires of the People of the
                                   anything other than that. Book, that shall prevail. Anyone
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