Page 94 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 94

69                     Women                   4:112
                                  let them also be on their guard, has shown you. And do not be an
                                  armed with their weapons. Those advocate for the treacherous.
                                  who deny the truth want you to  106  Ask God for forgiveness: He
                                  be negligent of your arms and is most forgiving and merciful.
                                  your baggage, so that they may  107  And do not plead on behalf of
                                  fall upon you suddenly. It is no those who are dishonest to
                                  offence for you to lay aside your themselves. Surely God does not
                                  arms when overtaken by heavy love one who is treacherous and
                                  rain or illness, and always take sinful.  108  They feel ashamed
                                  every precaution for defence. before men but do not feel
                                  God has prepared a humiliating ashamed before God, despite His
                                  punishment for those who deny being present with them when
                                  the truth.  103  When you have they plot at night, uttering things
                                  finished the prayer, remember of which He does not approve;
                                  God while standing, and sitting, and indeed God is fully aware of
                                  and lying on your sides. When what they do.
                                  you feel secure, say your prayers  109  You might argue on their
                                  in the prescribed form. Believers behalf in the life of this world:
                                  are under the obligation to say but who will argue on their behalf
                                  their prayers at the appointed with God on the Day of
                                  hours.  104 Do not relent in the Resurrection and who will be
                                  pursuit of the enemy. If you are their defender?  110 Yet anyone
                                  suffering hardships, they too are who does evil or wrongs his own
                                  suffering similar hardships, but soul and then asks God for
                                  what you can hope for from forgiveness will find God
                                  God, they cannot. God is all forgiving and merciful.  111 He
                                  knowing and wise.          who commits sin does so against
                                    105  We have sent the Book his own soul. God is all knowing
                                  down to you with the truth so and wise.  112  And anyone who
                                  that you may judge among commits an offence or a sin, then
                                  mankind by means of what God charges an innocent person with
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