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4:82 Al-Nisa 66
group of them plan together by rallies to an evil cause shall be
night against what you say. God answerable for his part in it: for,
records whatever they scheme. indeed, God watches over
So ignore them, and put your everything. 86 When you are
trust in God. God is sufficient as greeted by anyone, respond with
a trustee. Do they not ponder a better greeting or at least return
on the Quran? If it had been from it; God takes account of all
anyone other than God, they things. He is God: there is no
would have found much deity other than Him. He will
inconsistency in it. When they gather you all together on the
hear any news, whether of peace Day of Resurrection, there is no
or of something fearful, they doubt about it. Whose word can
spread it about; whereas if they be truer than Gods?
referred it to the Messenger and 88 How is it that you are divided
to the men in charge, those of into two groups regarding the
them who would have hypocrites, when God Himself
investigated it and could have cast them back [to disbelief]
arrived at the truth of the matter. because of their misdeeds? Do
But for Gods grace and mercy, you seek to guide those whom
all but a few of you would have God allows to go astray? You
followed Satan. cannot guide those whom God
84 So fight for the cause of allows to go astray. They want
God. You are responsible only you to deny the Truth, so that
for yourself. Urge on the you may become all alike. Do
believers. God may fend off the not take them as your allies until
power [violence] of those who they emigrate in the way of
deny the truth, for He is stronger God. If they turn back (to
in might and stronger in inflicting enmity), seize them and kill
punishment. 85 Whoever rallies them a wherever you may
to a good cause shall have a a See pages xiv to xvii of the
share in its blessing; and whoever Introduction.