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4:62 Al-Nisa 64
see the hypocrites turn away dwellings, they would have not
from you. How will it be when done it, save a few of them. If
an affliction befalls them because they had done what they were
of what they themselves have instructed to do, it would have
done? They will come to you, been better for them, as well as
swearing by God, saying that more strengthening [for their
they were seeking nothing but faith], 67 and We would have
goodwill and conciliation. But given them a great reward of Our
God knows all that is in their own, 68 and guided them to a
hearts; so ignore what they say, straight path. Whoever obeys
admonish them and speak to God and the Messenger will be
them in such terms as will address among those He has blessed: the
their minds. messengers, the truthful, the
64 All the messengers We sent witnesses, and the righteous.
were meant to be obeyed by What excellent companions these
Gods leave. If they had come to are! 70 That is Gods favour.
you and sought forgiveness from Sufficient is Gods infinite
God whenever they wronged knowledge.
themselves, and the Messenger 71 You who believe, take your
had prayed for forgiveness for precautions and then go forth in
them, they would have found small groups or go forth all
that God is ever-forgiving and together. Among you are some
merciful. 65 By your Lord, they who lag behind and if you
will not be true believers until encounter a setback, they say,
they seek your arbitration in their God has been gracious to me; I
disputes and find within was not present with them. But
themselves no doubt about what if, by Gods grace, good fortune
you decide and accept it should be your lot, they will say,
wholeheartedly. 66 If We had If only I had been with them I
commanded them, Lay down should have achieved a great
your lives or leave your success, as if no affection had