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4:95 Al-Nisa 68
position before, but God weak ones among men, women
conferred His special favour on and children, as are incapable of
you. Therefore, take care to adopting any plan or of finding
investigate. Surely God is well- any way out. 99 God may well
aware of what you do. Those pardon them. God is ever-
believers who stay behindapart pardoning and ever forgiving.
from those forced by necessity 100 Whoever emigrates for the
are not equal to those who strive cause of God will find many
hard in Gods cause with their places of refuge in the land and
possessions and their persons. plentiful provision. Those who
God has given those who strive leave home for the cause of God
with their goods and their persons and His Messenger; but is then
a higher rank than those who overtaken by death, shall be
stayed behind. God has promised recompensed by God. God is
all a good reward; but far greater most forgiving and ever-merciful.
is the recompense of those who 101 When you [believers] are
strive for Him high ranks travelling in the land, you will
conferred by Him as well as not be blamed for shortening
forgiveness and mercy. God is your prayers, if you fear the
forgiving and merciful. disbelievers may harm you. They
97 When the angels take the are your avowed enemies.
souls of those who have wronged 102 When you are among the
themselves, they will ask, What believers and lead them in prayer,
was wrong with you? They will let only part of them stand up
answer, We were too weak on along with you, armed with their
earth. The angels will say, Was weapons. After they have
Gods earth not spacious enough prostrated themselves, let them
for you to have migrated to some withdraw to the rear to stand
other place? These are the ones guard and then let another party,
whose abode shall be Hell, an who have not yet prayed, come
evil destination except such forward and pray with you. And