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P. 98
73 Women 4:152
say, Were we not on your side? mend their ways, who hold fast
And if those who deny the truth to God and are sincere in their
have a share of it [victory] they worship of God will be joined
say to them, Did we not help with the believers; and God will
you win, and protect you from bestow a great reward upon the
the believers? God will judge believers. 147 Why should God
between you [all] on punish you, if you render thanks
Resurrection Day. And never will to Him and believe in Him? God
God allow those who deny the is appreciative and aware.
truth to harm the believers. 148 God does not love the
142 The hypocrites seek to utterance of evil words except in
outwit Godbut it is He who the case of someone who has
outwits them. And when they been wronged. God hears all and
stand up for prayer, they do so knows all. 149 Whether you reveal
reluctantly and to be seen by any good or hide it, or pardon
others, and they hardly remember any evil, God is forgiving and all
God at all. 143 They vacillate powerful. 150 Those who deny
between the two, belonging God and His messengers and
neither to one side nor the other. seek to make a distinction
But for him whom God allows to between God and His messengers
go astray you can never find the and say, We believe in some
way for him. 144 Do not take messengers and disbelieve in
deniers of the truth [who are at others, and desire to adopt a
war with you] for your allies in position in between. 151 Those
preference to believers. Would indeed are they who are denying
you give God a clear proof the truth beyond doubt, and We
against yourselves? 145 The have prepared a humiliating
hypocrites shall surely be in the punishment for the deniers. 152 To
lowest depth of the Fire; and you those who believe in God and
will find no helper for them. His messengers, and make no
146 But those who repent and distinction between any of them,