Page 103 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 103
5:4 Al-Maidah 78
4 If they ask you what has been state of impurity, take a full bath.
made lawful for them, say, All But if you are sick or on a
good things have been made journey or when you have just
lawful for you; and what you relieved yourselves, or you have
have taught your birds and beasts consorted with your spouses, you
of prey to catch, training them as can find no water, take some
God has taught you. So eat what clean sand and rub your faces
they catch for you, but first and hands with it. God does not
pronounce Gods name over it. wish to place any burden on
Fear God, for God is swift in you; He only wishes to purify
taking account. Today, all good you and perfect His favour to
things have been made lawful to you, in order that you may be
you. The food of the People of grateful.
the Book is lawful to you, and 7 Remember Gods favour to
your food is lawful to them. The you, and the covenant, which He
chaste believing women and the made with you when you said,
chaste women of the people who We hear and we obey. Fear
were given the Book before you, God. God has full knowledge of
are lawful to you, provided that the innermost thoughts of men.
you give them their dowers, and 8 Believers, be steadfast in the
marry them, neither committing cause of God and bear witness
fornication nor taking them as with justice. Do not let your
mistresses. The deeds of anyone enmity for others turn you away
who rejects the faith will come from justice. Deal justly; that is
to nothing, and in the Hereafter nearer to being God-fearing. Fear
he will be among the losers. God. God is aware of all that you
6 9
Believers, when you rise to do. God has promised those
pray, wash your faces and your who believe and do good deeds
hands up to the elbows and wipe forgiveness and a great reward;
your heads and [wash] your feet 10 but those who deny the truth
up to the ankles. If you are in a and deny Our signs are destined