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4:153 Al-Nisa 74
to thoseWe shall surely give account of their denial of the
them their rewards. God is most truth. Except for a few of them,
forgiving and merciful. they have no faith. 156 They
153 The People of the Book ask denied the truth and uttered a
you to bring down for them a monstrous slander against Mary.
book from heaven. Of Moses 157 They declared, We have put
they demanded a greater thing to death the Messiah, Jesus, son
than that. They said to him: of Mary, the Messenger of God.
Show us God face to face. A They did not kill him, nor did
thunderbolt struck them for their they crucify him, but it only
wickedness. After that, they took seemed to them [as if it had been
to worshipping the [golden] calf, so]. And those who differ in this
after all evidence of the truth had matter are in doubt concerning it.
come to them! Yet We pardoned They have no definite knowledge
even that and bestowed on Moses about it, but only follow mere
clear authority. 154 And We raised conjecture. But they certainly
above them the Mount, while did not kill him. 158 God raised
making a covenant with them, him towards Himself. God is
and We said to them. Enter the almighty and wise.
gate humbly, and We also 159 There is none among the
commanded them, Transgress People of the Book but will
not in the matter of the Sabbath. believe in it before his death;
We took from them a firm and on the Day of Resurrection
covenant. he shall be a witness against them.
155 160
But they broke their Because of the wrongdoings
covenant; and they rejected the of the Jews, We forbade them
signs of God; and put the certain good things that had been
prophets to death without allowed to them before; for
justification, and said, Our having frequently debarred
hearts are sealed. It is God who others from Gods path; 161 for
has sealed their hearts, on taking usury, when they had been