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79                    The Table                 5:17
                                  for Hell.  Believers, remember them. But pardon them, and bear
                                  the blessings which God with them; truly, God loves the
                                  bestowed upon you when a doers of good.
                                  certain people were about to lay  14 We also made a covenant
                                  hands on you and He held back with those who say, ‘We are
                                  their hands from you. Have fear Christians.’ But they too have
                                  of God and in God let the forgotten much of what they
                                  believers place their trust.  were enjoined. So, We have put
                                    12 God made a covenant with enmity and hatred between them
                                  the Children of Israel; and raised till the Day of Judgement; and
                                  among them twelve leaders. God soon God will declare to them
                                  said, ‘Surely, I am with you. If what they have been doing.
                                  you attend to your prayers and  15 People of the Book! Our
                                  pay the alms and believe in My Messenger has come to make
                                  messengers and support them, clear to you much of what you
                                  and give a generous loan to God, have hidden of the Scriptures
                                  I will certainly forgive you your and to forgive you much. A light
                                  sins and admit you into Gardens has now come to you from God
                                  through which rivers flow. and a clear Book,  16 whereby
                                  Whoever among you denies the God guides to the ways of peace
                                  truth after this shall go astray all who seek His good pleasure,
                                  from the straight path.’  Since bringing them from darkness to
                                  they broke their solemn pledge, the light, by His will, and guiding
                                  We laid on them Our curse and them to a straight path.  17  In
                                  hardened their hearts. They blasphemy indeed are those who
                                  distorted the meaning of the say, ‘God is Christ, the son of
                                  revealed words, taking them out Mary.’  Say, ‘Who then could
                                  of their context, and forgot much prevent God if He so willed
                                  of what they were enjoined. You from destroying Christ, son of
                                  will constantly discover treachery Mary, and his mother and
                                  on their part, except for a few of everyone on earth? The kingdom
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