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5:37                  Al-Ma’idah                  82
                                  Resurrection, it shall not be [religious leaders] who do not
                                  accepted from them—they will come to you [out of pride and
                                  have a painful punishment. conceit]. They [these leaders]
                                  37  They will want to get out of take words out of their context
                                  the Fire but they will be unable and say, ‘If this be given to you,
                                  to do so: theirs shall be a lasting receive it, but if not, then
                                  punishment.  Cut off the hands beware!’  If anyone’s trial is
                                  of thieves, whether they are male intended by God, you cannot in
                                  or female, as a [deterrent] the least prevail against God on
                                  punishment from God for what his behalf. Those whose hearts
                                  they have done. God is almighty God does not intend to purify
                                  and wise.  But God will surely shall be subjected to disgrace in
                                  turn in mercy to him who repents this world and a severe
                                  after his transgression and punishment in the Hereafter.
                                  reforms. Surely, God is most  42  They listen eagerly to
                                  forgiving and ever merciful. falsehood, and devour forbidden
                                    Do you not know that the things voraciously. If they come
                                  kingdom of the heavens and to you, then judge between them
                                  earth belongs to God? He or avoid them. If you avoid
                                  punishes whom He will and them, they can in no way harm
                                  forgives whom He pleases. God you, but if you do judge, judge
                                  has power over all things.  them with fairness: God loves
                                    41 Messenger, do not be grieved those that deal justly.  But why
                                  by those who vie with one do they come to you for
                                  another in denying the truth; judgement when they have the
                                  those who say with their tongues, Torah, which enshrines God’s
                                  ‘We believe,’ but have no faith own judgement? Yet, in spite of
                                  in their hearts; from among the that, they turn their backs; and
                                  Jews also, there are those who certainly they will not believe.
                                  listen eagerly to any lies. They  44 We have revealed the Torah,
                                  listen to you to convey to others in which there is guidance and
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