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63                     Women                    4:61
                                    51  Have you not seen those enter Gardens through which
                                  who were in possession of a rivers flow, to dwell therein
                                  portion of the Book? They forever; therein they shall have
                                  believe in idols and devils. They pure spouses, and We shall admit
                                  say of those who deny the truth, them into a dense shade.
                                  ‘They are more rightly guided  58 God commands you to hand
                                  than the believers.’  Those are back your trusts to their rightful
                                  the ones God has rejected: you owners, and when you judge
                                  will not find anyone to help between people, to judge with
                                  those God has rejected.  Have fairness. God’s instructions to
                                  they a share in God’s kingdom? you are excellent. God hears and
                                  If they did, they would not give sees all things.  Believers, obey
                                  others so much as the groove of God and obey the Messenger
                                  a date stone.  54  Do they envy and those who have been
                                  others because of what God has entrusted with authority among
                                  given them out of His bounty? you. If you are in dispute over
                                  We granted the House of any matter, refer it to God and
                                  Abraham the Book and wisdom the Messenger, if you truly
                                  and We granted them a great believe in God and the Last Day:
                                  kingdom.  55  Some of them this is best, and best in the end.
                                  believed in it and some held  60  Have you not seen those who
                                  back from it. Hell will suffice as profess to believe in what has
                                  a blazing Fire.   We shall send been revealed to you and [to
                                  those who reject Our revelations other prophets] before you? They
                                  to the Fire. When their skins are seek the judgement of evil
                                  burnt up, We shall replace them people, although they were
                                  with new ones so that they may commanded not to obey them.
                                  continue to taste the punishment. And Satan wants to lead them
                                  God is mighty and wise.  57 As far astray.  When they are told,
                                  for those who believe and do ‘Come to what God has sent
                                  good works, We shall make them down and to the Messenger,’ you
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