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4:13                   Al-Nisa’                   58
                                   one quarter of what you leave if yourselves against them; if they
                                   you are childless. But if you testify to their guilt, confine them
                                   leave children, your wives shall to the house until death releases
                                   inherit one eighth, after payment them or until God gives them
                                   of any bequest or debts. If a man another way out.  16  If two men
                                   or woman has no direct heirs commit a like abomination,
                                   [neither children or parents] but punish them both. If they repent
                                   has left a brother or a sister, they and mend their ways, leave them
                                   shall each inherit one sixth, but alone. God is forgiving and
                                   if they are more than two, they merciful.  But God undertakes
                                   share one third between them, to accept repentance only from
                                   after payment of any bequests or those who do evil out of
                                   debts, so that no harm is done to ignorance and those who repent
                                   anyone. That is a commandment soon after. God turns towards
                                   from God: God is all knowing such people with mercy; He is
                                   and forbearing.  These are the all knowing and all wise.
                                   limits set by God. Anyone who  18  Forgiveness is not for those
                                   obeys God and His Messenger who continue to do evil deeds
                                   will be admitted to Gardens until, when death comes upon one
                                   through which rivers flow, to of them, he says: ‘Now I repent!’
                                   live there forever. That will be nor from those who die as deniers
                                   the supreme achievement.  But of the truth. We have prepared a
                                   anyone who disobeys God and painful punishment for them.
                                   His Messenger and transgresses  19 Believers, it is not lawful
                                   His limits shall be cast into a for you to inherit women against
                                   Fire, wherein he will abide their will, nor should you detain
                                   forever. And he shall have a them wrongfully, so that you
                                   humiliating punishment.   may take away a part of what you
                                      If any of your women have given them, unless they are
                                   commit fornication, call in four guilty of something clearly
                                   male witnesses from among outrageous. Live with them in
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