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61                     Women                    4:42
                                  would have them guard. As for punishment for those who deny
                                  those from whom you apprehend the truth.  38  And [God does not
                                  infidelity, admonish them, then like] those who spend their
                                  refuse to share their beds, and wealth for the sake of ostentation,
                                  finally hit them [lightly].  Then who do not believe in God or the
                                  if they obey you, take no further Last Day. Whoever has Satan as
                                  action against them. For God is his companion has an evil
                                  High, Great.  35  If you fear any companion.  What harm could
                                  breach between a man and his befall them if they believed in
                                  wife, appoint one arbiter from God and the Last Day, and spent
                                  his family and one arbiter from out of what God bestowed on
                                  her family. If they both want to them? God knows them well.
                                  set things right, God will bring  40  God does not wrong anyone
                                  about a reconciliation between by as much as a grain’s weight.
                                  them: He is all knowing and all If there be a good deed, He will
                                  aware.                     repay twofold, and will bestow
                                      Worship God: and do not out of His own bounty an
                                  associate partners with Him. Be immense reward.
                                  good to your parents, to relatives,  41 What will they do when We
                                  to orphans, to the needy, and the bring a witness from each
                                  neighbour who is a kinsman, and community and bring you as a
                                  the neighbour who is not related witness against these people?
                                  to you and your companions and  42  On that Day, those who were
                                  the wayfarers and those whom bent on denying the truth and
                                  you rightfully possess. God does disobeyed the Messenger will
                                  not like arrogant, boastful people, wish that the earth were made
                                    who are miserly and enjoin
                                  others to be the same and conceal
                                                              a  This signifies a symbolic act, as
                                  the riches which God has given
                                                             the Prophet forbade the beating of
                                  them of His bounty. We     woman saying, ‘Never beat God’s
                                  have prepared a humiliating  creation’.
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