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P. 116
91 The Table 5:115
fear that their oaths will be them with clear signs, when those
contradicted by the oaths of others. of them who denied the truth said,
Heed God and listen; God does This is sheer magic.
not guide a rebellious, disobedient 111 [Remember the time], when
people. I inspired the disciples to believe
The Day when God in Me and in My messenger, they
assembles the messengers and replied, We believe, bear
asks them, What was the witness that we have submitted.
response you received [from the 112 When the disciples said, O
people]? they will reply, We Jesus, son of Mary! Can your
have no knowledge of it. You Lord send down to us from
alone know what is hidden. heaven a table spread with food?
110 Then God will say, Jesus, He replied, Have fear of God, if
son of Mary, remember My you are true believers. 113 They
favour to you and to your mother: said, We want to eat from it, so
how I strengthened you with the that we may satisfy our hearts
holy spirit, so that you could and know that you have told us
speak to people in childhood the truth, and that we should be
and in maturity; and how I taught witnesses of it. 114 Jesus, son of
you the Book, and wisdom, the Mary, said, O God, our Lord!
Torah and the Gospel; how by Send down for us a table spread
My leave you fashioned from with food from heaven, so that it
clay the shape of a bird and blew may be a feast for us, for the first
upon it, so that, by My leave, it of us and for the last of us: a
became a bird, and healed the sign from You. Give us our
blind and the leper by My sustenance, for You are the best
permission, and when you of sustainers. 115 God replied, I
brought forth the dead by My will certainly send it down to
permission; and how I prevented you, but whosoever of you deny
the Children of Israel from the truth thereafter will be
harming you when you came to punished with a punishment such