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P. 119
6:17 Al-Anam 94
punishment is averted on that invents a lie against God and
Day has been shown great denies His signs? Assuredly, the
mercy by God. That is a supreme wrongdoers will not succeed.
achievement. 22 On the Day when We gather
17 If God should let any harm them all together, We will say to
touch you, no one could remove those who associated [others with
it except He; while if He should Us], Where are those partners
let some good touch you, know that you claimed? Then they
that He has the power to do all will have no excuse but to say,
that He wills. 18 He reigns By God our Lord, we have
Supreme over His servants; and never been polytheists. 24 See
He is the All Wise, the All Aware. how they lie to themselves, and
19 Ask them, What carries the how those [the deities] they
most weight as a witness? Tell invented have deserted them.
them it is God. He is a witness 25 Among them are some who
between you and me. Say, This listen to you, but We have placed
Quran has been revealed to me veils over their hearts and
so that through it I may warn you deafness in their ears which
and whoever it reaches. Do you prevent them from understanding
really bear witness that there are what you say. Even if they saw
other deities beside God? Say, all the signs, they would still not
I do not bear witness to this. believe in them. When those
Say, He is only one God, and I who deny the truth come to
disown whatever you associate dispute with you, they will say,
with Him. This is nothing but ancient
20 26
Those to whom We have fables, and they bar others
given the Scriptures know this from believing and themselves
as they know their own sons. But keep away. But they ruin no one
those who have ruined their souls but themselves, though they fail
will not believe. 21 Who does to realize this. 27 If you could
greater wrong than he who only see when they are set before