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3:163                 Al-‘Imran                   52
                                  incurs the wrath of God and would surely follow you.’ They
                                  whose abode shall be Hell—an were that day nearer to unbelief
                                  evil destination?  163  All have a than to belief. The words they
                                  different standing in the eyes of utter bear no relation to what is
                                  God, and God is observant of all in their hearts. God knows well
                                  their actions.  164  Indeed, God has what they conceal.  168 Those who
                                  conferred a great favour on the stayed behind, said of their
                                  believers in sending a Messenger brothers, ‘Had they listened to
                                  from among themselves, to recite us, they would not have been
                                  His revelations to them, and killed.’  Say to them, ‘Ward off
                                  purify them, and teaches them death from yourselves, then, if
                                  the Book and wisdom, for, before what you say be true!’
                                  that they were surely in manifest  169  Do not think of those who
                                  error.                     have been killed in God’s cause
                                    165  What! When a misfortune as dead. They are alive, and well
                                  befalls you, after you had provided for by their Lord;
                                  yourself inflicted twice as heavy  170 they are joyful because of
                                  losses, you say, ‘How has this what God has bestowed on them
                                  come about?’ Say, ‘It was your of His grace and they rejoice that
                                  own fault.’  Truly, God has the those they left behind, who have
                                  power to will anything:  166  the not yet joined them, that they
                                  misfortune which befell you on shall have no fear, nor shall they
                                  the day when the two armies met grieve;  171  rejoicing in God’s
                                  happened by God’s leave, so that grace and bounty. [They know
                                  He might mark out the [true] that] God will not fail to requite
                                  believers  167  and know those who the believers.  172 Those who
                                  acted hypocritically.’ When they responded to the call of God and
                                  were told, ‘Come, fight in God’s the Messenger, despite their
                                  cause and defend yourselves,’ having received an injury, and
                                  they replied, ‘If we knew that such of them as did good deeds
                                  fighting would take place, we and feared God, shall have a
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