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47 The Family of Imran 3:122
Gods signs and killed prophets 118 Believers, do not take
unjustly. This resulted from their outsiders as your intimate friends,
disobedience and their habit of they will spare no effort to harm
transgression. you. They love to see you suffer;
113 Yet they are not all alike. their hatred is evident from the
Of the People of the Book there words which fall from their
are some who stand by their mouths. But what their hearts
covenant; they recite the word of conceal is far worse. We have
God during the night and made Our signs clear to you; will
prostrate themselves before Him, you not understand? 119 It is you
114 who believe in God and the who love them, but they do not
Last Day, who enjoin justice and love you; you believe in all the
forbid evil and vie with each revealed Books. When they meet
other in good works. These are you, they say, We believe, but
righteous men 115 and they will when they are alone, they bite
not be denied [the reward] for their fingertips with rage. Say,
whatever good deeds they do: Die of rage! God is aware of
God knows the righteous. 116 As what your hearts contain.
for those who deny the truth, 120 Whenever something good
neither their possessions nor their happens to you, it grieves them;
children shall avail them in the but when evil befalls you, they
least against God. They will be rejoice. If you persevere and fear
inmates of the Fire. They will God, their designs will never
remain there for ever; 117 that harm you in the least: God
which they spend in pursuit of encompasses all that they do.
the life of this world is like a 121 When you set out at dawn
biting frosty blast which smites from your home to assign battle
the harvest of a people who have positions to the believersGod
wronged themselves, and destroys hears all and knows all. 122 When
it. God is not unjust to them; they two groups from among you
are unjust to their own souls. were about to lose heart, God