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3:123                 Al-‘Imran                   48
                                  was their protector. In God let forgives whoever He pleases and
                                  the faithful put their trust.  123 God punishes whoever He pleases.
                                  had already helped you at Badr, God is most forgiving and
                                  when you were weak. Fear God, ever merciful.
                                  so that you may be grateful.  130  Believers, do not devour
                                  124 [And remember] when you usury multiplied many times
                                  said to the believers, ‘Does it not over. Fear God, so that you may
                                  suffice that your Lord helps you prosper— 131  guard yourself
                                  by sending down three thousand against the Fire prepared for
                                  angels?  125  If you remain patient those who deny the truth—
                                  and God-fearing, and the enemy  132  and obey God and the
                                  should fall upon you all of a Messenger, so that you may be
                                  sudden, Your Lord will reinforce given mercy.  133  And vie with
                                  you with five thousand angels one another for your Lord’s
                                  clearly marked!’  126  and God forgiveness and for a Paradise as
                                  ordained this only as good news vast as the heavens and the earth,
                                  for you so that your hearts might which has been prepared for the
                                  be comforted—help comes only God-fearing,  134  for those who
                                  from God, the Powerful, the spend, both in prosperity and
                                  Wise One—  127 and so that He adversity, who restrain their anger
                                  might cut off a portion of those and are forgiving towards their
                                  who are bent on denying the fellow men—God loves those
                                  truth or abase them so that they who do good works.  135  And
                                  might be turned back frustrated. who, when they have committed
                                  128  You have no say in this an indecency or have wronged
                                  affair to decide whether He will their souls, remember God and
                                  relent towards them or He will pray that their sins be forgiven—
                                  punish   them:  they   are for who but God can forgive
                                  wrongdoers.  129  Whatever is in sins?—and do not knowingly
                                  the heavens and whatever is on persist in their misdeeds,  136  their
                                  the earth belong to God. He recompense is forgiveness from
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