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Let’s  go  beyond  being  seen  in  on  panels,  speak  from  the  stage,  $327  and  the  magazine  article  is
        a  publication.  Think  about  the  and  some  even  offer  themselves  another  $500,  so  for  $600  you
        benefits  of  being  interviewed  to  be  part  of  the  iNETrepreneur  receive a lot of exposure and at a
        LIVE on the iNETrepreneur Radio  Academy  where  they  educate  reduced price.
        Network, and being asked to share  others in a variety of  areas and
        your message with the world:         interests.  Whether  you  want  to  This is ridiculous! Sign Me Up!
                                             share your expertise in the fields
        •  Be  asked  the  questions  that  of  marketing,  public  speaking,  This  special  pricing  is  not  on  our
        mean the most to your audience  and social media, or any other  website.  To  join  you  must  email
        and get plugged in.                  topics  that  benefit  entrepreneurs  shawn@inetrepreneurnetwork.
                                             and  business  owners,  you  are  com or call 602-228-0907.
        •  Take  the  show  recordings  and  encouraged  to  take  front  and  be
        share  them  on  your  platforms,  part of the academy team.              Shawn  Jones  is  the  CEO  of
        social media sites, email the show                                        iNETrepreneur     Network,     the
        to  your  prospective  clients,  and  So,  let’s  recap  the  omnichannel  largest  independently  owned,  non-
        even your existing ones.             marketing system.                    franchised  international  recognized
                                                                                  Entrepreneurial  Network  offering
        • Guaranteed your interview will  12-Month membership  building  an integrative approach to Personal,
        gain you traction, get you noticed,  relationships  through  in-person  Traditional,  and  Digital  promotion
        and even get your current clients  and online network meetings            for our community by providing an
        re-engaged  in  your  products  or                                        inclusive  omnichannel  marketing
        services.                            Be published  in  the  Art  of  system  where  relationships  create
                                             Connection  Book  and  rated  as  a  community and commerce follows.
        Already  you  are  in  a  community  #1 Best Selling Author
        that  shares common values and                                            She  is  a  certified  Keynote  Speaker
        goals, you are highlighted as an  Be  a  guest  on  the  iNETrepreneur  who speaks to the business
        expert in print and on the radio.    Radio Show with host Robert W.  community  and  to  area  schools.
                                             Jones                                Shawn has served on the Board of
        Here is something else to consider.                                       Directors for chambers of commerce,
        You  can  turn  your  article  or  Have  a  featured  article in the  Chairman for Parks and Recreation
        interview  into  a  quote  to  inspire  iNETrepreneur  Magazine  with  Advisory  Board,  and  town  liaison.
        other entrepreneurs and business  over 24,000 subscribers                 As an entrepreneur, she has founded
        owners.  Take  your  quote  and                                           and  led  several  successful  service-
        expand  out  through  defining  the  Full access to social media groups  based companies in multiple states
        meaning behind your quote giving a  and online tools                      and  has  been  involved  with  fund
        solid explanation giving the reader                                       raising  for  non-profits  who  support
        new ideas and perspectives. How  Concurrent  Membership  to  the  youth,  education,  veteran’s,  and
        cool is it to then ask the reader a  iNetrepreneur Academy                seniors.  Shawn  is  a  former  foster
        question based on the thought and                                         parent as her passion was and still is
        have  them  interactively  answer  Directory  Profile inclusion with  advocating for children’s rights and
        your  question?  This  is  mind-     member profile views of 3 per day  services.
        blowing  because  our  community  on average
        has this very opportunity to be in                                        Shawn is married to Robert  W.
        the  book,  Art  of  Connection™  by  If you were to a-la-carte this system,  Jones,  the  Founder  and  Chairman
        Robert  W.  Jones  and  Dr.  Karen  you would be paying over $1,500.      of  the  iNETrepreneur  Network  and
        Perkins.                             But we believe entrepreneurs and  together  they  have  four  children,
                                             businesses need a financial break  two  dogs,  and  one  cat.  Her  life
        These  ways  of  exposure  do  not  which is why this system is only  motto, “No, is not a roadblock, it is a
        stop  here.  Proactive  community  $600 through the end of January  pathway to a different route”.
        members give presentations, speak  2021.  The  membership  alone  is

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