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Kindness is like oil to the soul. It
        lubricates.  It  is  like  a  new  day  to
        the hopeless, it sparks light amidst
        darkness.  Kindness  has  brought
        smiles to many faces and rekindled
        love that was lost. A kind person
        expects nothing in return; giving is
        the only thing on their minds.

        Kindness  chooses  to  love  even
        when its own resources are low
        and to forgive even though its
        own heart may be offended. You
        can  express  kindness  by  giving
        someone  a  hug  when  you  think
        they feel low.

        You could visit and spend time with
        someone  who  has  had  a  difficult
        time.  You  could  also  empathize
        with  those  who  are  experiencing
        a challenge that there is very little
        within your power that you could
        do to change their situation.

        Empathizing with someone means
        that you try to picture yourself in
        that other person’s shoe.
                                             Social media is here whether we  Whatever  your  reason  for  being
        Question                             like it not and there is no hiding.  on  social  media,  you want to
                                             It  does  not  matter  if  you  are  a  make sure you are clear with your
        How  will  you  practice  massive  business owner, a socialite, or even  intentions.
        kindness today?                      the local PTA parent, social media
                                             is  used  to  transfer  information  Here are a few  ways to leverage
        Quote by Shawn Jones                 quickly and is a means to stay up  social media: vblog, blogs, videos,
        “Social  media  because  every  star  to date on world news. Leveraged  tutorials, websites, apps for phones
        needs their own stage.”              properly,  social  media  can  be  life  and  devices,  online  magazine,
                                             changing and yet confusing.          e-books, social networks, curation,
        Thought                                                                   media sharing, discussion forums,
                                             With so many different platforms  and consumer reviews to name a
        There  was  a  time  when  sending  available,  choosing  the  right  few.
        a  letter  by  carrier  would  spread  one  begins  with  identifying  the
        news of onset happenings, and as  results  you  want  to  achieve.  Is  it  Question
        time has passed, we have evolved  you  want  to  be  identified  as  an
        to  new  mediums.  From  radio  to  industry  expert,  convert  people  If you could design your own stage
        television to the internet and text  to your way of thinking, help solve  to have your message heard, what
        messages, news now travels by a  problems for others, or maybe you  message would you share to those
        quick click and share.               want to feel connected with the  in the future so they could learn
                                             world?                               from you?

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